Harford Business Beat featuring Chad Dukes of MNS Group

Harford Business Beat featuring Joe Ayler of Tar Heel Construction Group

Shows Hosted and/or Produced by CPN

Photo by Jonathan Farber on Unsplash

Have CPN Do It For You

We are able to host and/or produce podcasts for the Chesapeake Podcast Network. Medicare Matters with Brian Godfrey is our first and is hosted on the CPN servers and produced by us as well.

You’ll see upcoming posts with Medicare Matters with Brian Godfrey on the website and we encourage you to listen and add any comments and send any questions to us.

If you would like to have your podcast on CPN, contact Rich Bennett at rbennett@harfordcountyliving.com. If it’s in the Chesapeake Area, we will add it to our directory at no cost.

If you are interested in doing a podcast, but don’t have anyone to record or produce, contact Rich Bennett about pricing. The same goes for hosting, contact Rich for rates.

Welcome to CPN

The Chesapeake Podcast Network Launches

I’m excited to be launching to CPN to help local podcasters grow their shows. There are thousands, probably millions, of podcasts, but it’s hard to find the small independent ones. Hopefully CPN will help them.

Podcasts have been growing throughout the years and now several businesses are doing them to help get their information out. Just look at the changes in the infographic below.

Infographic by: MusicOomph.com

Read more here.

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